May 23, 2009


I guess I'm doing the next part of the comic if no one else calls. FRANCES POST THE REFERENCES OR ELSE I'LL PESTER YOU TO DEATH IN JEFFERS. Well anyways the blue and red picture is a collab with Frances done in a free period during APs. We didn't really mean to choose gang-related colors though :P.
P.S. I'm sorry for the neopets spam ahahha

May 19, 2009


I'm not very happy about this page.

I'm going to redo it maybe over the weekend esp the third panel.

Anyways here's the continuing page from the previous post.

May 12, 2009

May 8, 2009

Where the Sidewalk Ends

Poem project for DI, I shall post because no one else is posting (HINT HINT), and Vanessa is threatening to destroy my life. I also like how it turned out :9
Go look up Shel Silverstein, he's pretty awesome.

May 4, 2009

Edits to the "rules"

Instead of going in order whoever wants to go next can go next, but you have to publicly claim it first, or fight amongst yourselves.

Also the page limit has been changed to...20 pages :O

I'm hoping more people will post after APs, I feel like I am taking up a lot of space >w<

May 2, 2009

Please read carefully :D

Hokay. So, this is called the "Comic book pass on" or perhaps "Comic Continuation" or perhaps "Call it whatever you want". Here are some general guidelines to follow, however, if you have a really good reason to not follow them, then we will respect your judgment.

Guidelines! :D

1) Please keep characters' personalities consistent. You don't have to copy my style, I discussed with Vanessa and she feels it's better to see everyone show their own style of making a comic. However, the characters' themselves should be consistent! :O

2) Please post within two weeks (deadline negotiable) or your turn will be taken by the next person. However, if you know you won't post, say so. On the other hand, if you really really really really have a good idea for the next part of the story and are dying to do it but for whatever reason can't within 2 weeks, that's ok too. Please post ASAP though.

2b) The order we're going in is on the sidebar that lists all of our usernames. I know lots of us have abandoned cloud8 though, so in order to keep this going, I will require that the next person in line MUST post a "I'm going next" notification within 5 days of the comic post, this way we can be able to tell who's dead and who isn't.

3) Following that note, if you really want to do the next scene but it's not your turn, tell the person whose turn it is and if he/she agrees, you may take his/her place for the turn. Your place will be given to the person in return.

4) Try to keep the story flowing, don't be afraid to be dramatic and creative. After all, they can't wander around talking and making jokes for ten pages. This means feel free to use flashbacks, fight scenes, character deaths (;_;), and etc, but do so wisely.

5) Don't be offended if the person after you completely changes what you had in mind.

6) While the story is continuing, only the person whose turn it is gets to post the next part, but everyone else feel free to do fanart, omake, story ideas, and your own art. (Keep Cloud 8 moving)

7) Oya, 6 pages max, unless you have this super awesome scene that you can't stand to see changed.

-I did not name the characters! I hate naming characters!!! :O So if you really want me to name them I'll go to the internet and search some random names. Otherwise, you guys name em.

- Imma post a more detailed picture of the characters and their clothing and stuff later on.

-When the story's coming to an end (Not anytime soon i think) We can all post our "ideal ending" and vote on who we think should do it.

- Since this project will take a looooooong time, in order to keep it from dying out let's do some other projects in between. Something that goes along well, such as a roleplay or a starbucks event or something.

BY the way, for those of you who haven't seen, my first four pages are right below this post! So...without further ado...*cuts red ribbon*

final note: *I did a scribbly page about these people with wings involving the "physics" and how "bird people" live. So if you want me to, I'll post that. Or if you'd rather have it in text, I'll make a long post about bird peeple.


READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT (like manga style)

pay attention to next post