January 31, 2008


I apologize in advance for my post that like takes up an entire page....
Since Kim told me to post, here's all the crap I drew for like...a month or so...

This one is really old. Like 3 months I think. I like it a lot, but I don't think I'll ever finish coloring it.
And I colored some of it. And it took a long time.

Whatever. Here's a more recent thing.

Here's some robot person thing. I was listening to that song "Be Human" from GITS by Yoko Kanno. I never finished the wings.

Pot girl. Dorothy says it looks Disney.

Punching man. I still can't do profile faces. >< And last but not least some random face.
No wait. I lied. I have some pictures I think....

Another one
And this interesting picture of my dogs. Notice the tongue.
Yah. That was kinda random. Sorry for the very long post again. :(


Kim Ryu said...



total pwnage.

Keep looking at those mannequins and I'll teach you profile faces. :D

Shelley Xia said...

Lovin' the buildings and such in the first picture.
And the clouds. xD

. . connie . . said...

I love the half-colored one. XD He looks absurdly awesome. I also have a picture of that first sunset. 8D Mmmm.... Nice poses, yeah... I'm working on faces, one day I'll get the poses.. (reads Kim's post). I love your work. >w<