March 28, 2009

Revival via game

We should do some sort of art game, some ideas I've gathered over time are:

1) character battles (one person draws a character posing, and the next person draws a character fighting that person's character, so it's like a battle, but you have to draw the fight. Magical powers welcome)

2) RPGing (ok, it sounds lame, but I like the idea of designing your own characters and having them interact)

3) weekly theme (pretty self explanatory, everyone draws a picture in the theme of that week)

4) sketch/story book pass on (since most of us go to mission, one person could start a comic on the first page of the sketchbook, and passes it on until it is finished. Rule: must follow the previous page(s) in some way)

5) cloud 8 events (such as 24 hour comics, coffee shop sketching, giant collaborative piece, etc.)

6) I dunno, you come up with one.

So basically we should come up with some sort of cool thing to tie cloud 8 together, what do you guys think?


Frances. said...

ignore this comment, I'm just posting it to see the follow up comments about my idea

Kim Ryu said...


Very clever ideas frances.

I like all of them except 3 (since chess peice and cards failed) and 4
Im sure mingchen would own at number 1 ROFL.

Frances. said...

thanks kim :9 I love these kinds of things

MW said...

lol why are people suddenly interested in cloud8 again?

Frances. said...

wai not :P

Trisha said...
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Trisha said...
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Frances. said...

... hmm, actually, I'm waiting for more peeps to comment before I start anything, or else it might turn out to be a failure

M.S. said...

i'm up for it,

well all but 3 cause.. kim already stated why.

Waxcap said...

I like number 4 :D and the collab and all the other stuff too haha