March 12, 2007

wood duck

drawn with prismacolor pencils


Anonymous said...

your picture is really pretty i cant compete with anythinhg like that xD

Jen said...

When did you do this? I think I saw it a long time ago at the place Lydia takes art lessons once. On the wall. But maybe that's just me, because EVERBODY was apparently drawing ducks. :P

. . connie . . said...

Oh shizz. O:
That owns, it's like a rainbow. XDD
Well, uhm.. there's a contest on drawing ducks for the post office. They be givin' away lots of money and crap. That's why everybody's drawing ducks. XD I love the colors you use, anywho! They're really vibrant. (: I tend to draw lightly. - -;

May said...

i have the same art teacher as lydia, but that's another duck (of the same species) that someone else drew. I started this one about 5 months ago

connie: yup, my art teacher has all her students participate in that contest, but the prizes for junior artists are actually kind of crappy.($50 savings bonds for first place, I mean wth, by the time I can actually withdraw that money with its interest, inflation will make it worthless)

btw guys, if you're ever in the market for prismacolors, go on ebay. I've seen 120 sets sell for $20 before.

Jen said...

Remember, my parents despise eBay?

May said...

ah well.
michael sells them for $80 (with coupons)

Shelley Xia said...

That is some pwnsome coloring. :] The colors are really rich and it turned out really nice. ^^
Btw, aren't those also called mandarin ducks? I painted ducks like those before and I think that's what my teacher called them. xD But I might be wrong

. . connie . . said...

Lawl, I got my 120 set for 48$. :X Oh well. XD

May said...

nah, this is a wood duck (aix sponsa) in breeding plumage.
mandarin ducks are a bit different.

Trisha said...

Ebay is your friend. You can get everything cheap and good on ebay, if you know how to use it. XD

BTW, when I first opened the window I thought that was a a pictures. And I was like how could someone get so close to get a picture of a duck? And then i read the caption. Awesome job. I guess expensive color pencils really do make already pretty pictures even prettier!