October 23, 2007


yeah im back to drawing dota. first and third are Sven the Rogue Knight, i decided to draw 2 pics of him because well.. to put it plainly the first one just really, REALLY, sucked. so Kyle told me to draw him using stormbolt instead, which i did cause actions poses are so much cooler than just.. standing.., second one is Arthas Menethil good/evil, in dota its known as Purist/Abaddon.
uhhh last one nothing to do with dota. well Cyrus requested for a dragon sketch because he wanted to photoshop a wallpaper with a dragon in it so i guess itll be used for a collab.


Trisha said...

Wow, you draw muscles really well. I like the second one the best. Awesome posing as usual.

Kim Ryu said...

The muscles look almost too stretched.

I dont draw muscles so I really shouldnt say but it looks strange.

The thrid one: The leg that is oustretched might be a bit funky.

G'job. :D