November 16, 2007


I apologize in advance for the UBER long post.

Ok, so I'll start with the important notice first. For those of you who browse Dev-Art a lot, you might know who Silent Reaper is, the artist who draws those hilarious Death Note comics. Well, apparently, she's hosting a contest to "design a grim-reaper." And naturally, I went and looked through some of the submitted art. And you know what I found out?

THEY SUCK. Compared to people to YOU PEOPLE. You guys can do a million times better then they can. So thats why I encourage you to join the contest. :)

Prizes are subscription and art from her. Due date is like Dec something. Anyway, check out the link to find out more about contest rules, goals, prizes, etc. I've already persuaded Kara and Vanessa, so you people (*cough* Kim *cough*), should try.
(It's at the right, her newest Journal Entry. The submissions are lower down)

And to not waste a post, ill post some bad sketches I've done recently. They have a million proportional errors I haven't bothered to change.

Cause I need practice on action poses...I erased this guy's right hand since I noticed its wrongness while scanning it.

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